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  • Yasuhiro Ishimoto: Of Lines and Bodies

Yasuhiro Ishimoto: Of Lines and Bodies

Yasuhiro Ishimoto: Of Lines and Bodies Given the rarity of exhibitions and publications on Yasuhiro Ishimoto, photography enthusiasts are eager to flock to Le BAL in Paris to explore the works of this under-recognized American Japanese photographer.

Friday August 2nd, 2024


Given the rarity of exhibitions and publications on Yasuhiro Ishimoto, photography enthusiasts are eager to flock to Le BAL in Paris to explore the works of this under-recognized American Japanese photographer. The exhibition offers a rich array of images from Japan and the United States, dating to the early career of this pivotal figure in modern Japanese photography.

By Guénola Pellen

Until September 14, 2024, Galerie Roger-Viollet presents an exhibition in collaboration with the newspaper L'Équipe that tells this revealing story of the changing place of women in society.

By Jonas Cuénin

The book "Omen" reexamines the Farm Security Administration's photographic archive, revealing a lesser-known narrative that challenges traditional views of American history.

Photographs by the Farm Security Administration

Daniele Tamagni’s book “Style is Life” brings together renowned and unpublished photographs, reminiscent of street fashion’s subversive and political value in communities across the globe.

Photographs by Daniele Tamagni

An Eyeful of Sport

Anticipation for the 2024 Olympic Games was already building at the end of last year. The 20th edition of Photaumnales, titled Hors Jeux, thrusted sports into the photographic spotlight.

By Iris Mandret

For the past five years, Blind has been a trusted source for the latest in photographic journalism, delivering exclusive series and stories from talented photographers and writers.

By Jonas Cuénin

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: [email protected]