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  • The World’s Largest Animal Migration (Meero)

The World’s Largest Animal Migration (Meero)

The World’s Largest Animal Migration

Thursday, August 24, 2023


As part of its summer series, Blind invites you to join photographer and professional diver Alexis Rosenfeld on an extraordinary mission jointly funded by UNESCO and Fondation 1 OCEAN. You will take a closer look at the world’s largest animal migration captured in images and stories spanning multiple episodes.By Michaël Naulin

Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective

Seasoned and beginner photographers alike dream of taking a great picture of the Milky Way. Observing and capturing the beauty of our galaxy light years away is less difficult than it might seem. Are you feeling lost in astrophotography? Follow the guide.By Blind Magazine

The Loire Valley produces some fine vintages, even when it comes to photography. Festival Promenades Photographiques invites visitors on a tour of fifteen exhibitions around the city of Blois: an ode to movement.By Laure Etienne

Galerie Leica Paris presents 3 different works that reveal Claude Iverné’s free spirit. It’s a difficult choice, given his personality and sensibility, which explore so many different avenues. Color or black & white, he excels in all fields of photography. Winner of the Henri Cartier-Bresson prize in 2015, Claude Iverné is a discreet photographer, guided by his intuition and a keen sense of poetic construction.From August 31st Until October 28th, 2023

Head in the Waves

The Rise of Wildlife Photography

Long denigrated and considered to be an inferior genre of only illustrative value, wildlife photography had been a wild card in the history of photography. Today, the discipline, addressing artistic, technical, and ethical issues, has been made more accessible through societal and technological developments and has seen a rise in its popularity and reputation.

By Copélia Mainardi

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]