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  • World Press Photo: the Shocking Images of 2020

World Press Photo: the Shocking Images of 2020

World Press Photo: the Shocking Images of 2020

Photography at First Sight


World Press Photo: the Shocking Images of 2020

The results of the 64th edition of World Press Photo were announced today. Six nominees were in the running for the prestigious and coveted world photo of the year. The World Press Photo of the Year was awarded to Mads Nissen for his photograph of a hug between a nurse and an old lady during the covid pandemic, in São Paulo, Brazil.


Bruce Gilden: “It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect, It’s Organized Chaos”

In December 2019, Bruce Gilden frequented one of Palermo’s most typical markets, Ballarò, for about a week. Attracted by the genuine rough faces of its vendors and buyers he spent hours strolling its narrow streets.

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Fabio Ponzio: East of Nowhere

An eyewitness to the fall of Communist regimes in Europe, the photographer Fabio Ponzio publishes his photographs covering twenty-two years spent in the East.

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A Portrait of Disenchanted Youth Flocking to Haight-Asbury in the 1960s

Fifty years in the making, William Gedney’s chronicle of the early San Francisco hippie scene has finally been published, offering an unvarnished look at the roots of the legendary 1960s counterculture.  

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Shooting With Flash on Assignment, by Nina Berman

A member of NOOR Images, Nina Berman is a documentary photographer, filmmaker, author and educator. Her wide-ranging work looks at American politics, militarism, post violence trauma and resistance. In this 4-chapter course, she will take you with her in Coney Island, New York, to photograph the famous Mermaid Parade.

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How to Edit a Series of Portraits

Javier Sirvent is a photographer, photo editor and curator based in New York. His photographs and writings have been featured in publications such as TIMETIME LightboxNew York Magazine, among others. In the following interview, he gives his advice on editing photographs, sequencing a series of portraits and creating a portfolio.

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Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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