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  • Is This the World We Created?

Is This the World We Created?

Is This the World We Created?

Photography at First Sight


Is This the World We Created?

Describing and portraying today's world in pictures: that, in a nutshell, describes the exhibition “Civilization - What an era!” presented at the MUCEM in Marseille, France. An opportunity to explore photographic art from the past twenty years and to reflect on the world around us.


Roaming the Wild Streets of New York in the 1980s

Photographer Geoffrey Hiller evokes, in a poignant text, the intimacy of his street photographs taken in New York, a city where he was born and which he will love all his life.

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Meet the Climate Heroes

First a documentary series, then an association, for over ten years Climate Heroes has been giving a face and a voice to some of the true saviors of the planet, those who work day by day to halt climate change. Thanks to crowdfunding, a forthcoming photo book published by Hemeria is slated to complement this project.

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Fabio Ponzio: East of Nowhere

An eyewitness to the fall of Communist regimes in Europe, the photographer Fabio Ponzio publishes his photographs covering twenty-two years spent in the East.

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How to Build a Photography Project

Building a photographic project is a journey that guides you to understand better a topic, and your position in relation to it. Follow photographer Gaia Squarci's advice to better prepare it and reach your objective.

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Shooting Portraits with Instant Film, by Pep Bonet

In this 4-chapter course, Pep Bonet, from NOOR, will give you his advice on how to take portraits with instant cameras such as Polaroids, and you will follow his steps on his native island, Mallorca Spain, among his closest friends.

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Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: