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  • Welcome to The Leica World

Welcome to The Leica World

Welcome to The Leica World

Welcome to The Leica World

Sported by the greatest photographers, Leica has defined the history of photography, and in the process became a true luxury item. Blind has traveled to Wetzlar, a small town near Frankfurt, Germany, where it all began.By Michaël Naulin

Our Favorite Books for Christmas (2/4) : Documentary Photography

When Everything Changed

The exhibition “Methamorphose” at the Pavillon Populaire in Montpellier focuses on the years that saw the transformation of photography in France from a job to an artistic and cultural force.Cover photo by John Batho

Antonio’s Extravagant Explorations of Gender and Identity

A new exhibition celebrates the groundbreaking work of queer Puerto Rican artists at the vanguard of fashion.By Miss Rosen


C/O Berlin presents an exhibition that reconstructs the history and evolution of queerness in photography.Cover Photographs by Anonymous / Collection Sebastien Lifshitz


Masterclass with Larry Fink

Masterclass with Andrea Modica


Sergueï Bubka: An Ukrainian Icon

Sergei Bubka is the most famous Ukrainian champion in history. In this period of support to his country, Jean-Denis Walter, former editor-in-chief of French sports newspaper L’Equipe Magazine tells the story this picture, made by the photographer Gerard Rancinan. By Jean-Denis Walter

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at:[email protected]