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  • Visa pour l’Image: Facing the World (Meero EN)

Visa pour l’Image: Facing the World (Meero EN)

Visa pour l’Image: Facing the World

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


From the Iranian uprising to Californian startups, from the war in Ukraine to Afghanistan and climate breakdown, the 35th edition of Perpignan’s international photojournalism festival continues to confront us with the world’s tragedies.By Michaël Naulin

Photographing Rugby: Eyeing the Mud

The artistic, ecological, and educational biennale, Photoclimat, kicks off its second edition this September 14th in Paris, providing a fascinating glimpse into the making of a photography festival.By Iris Mandret

A biannual Swiss festival, Alt.+1000 focuses on creative ways to rethink landscape photography, creating another layer of meaning by immersing them in nature. Cover photo by Ingrind Weyland

From October 25 to 28, 2023, spend 4 days in Amsterdam with American photojournalist and VII agency member Ed Kashi, learning and practicing street photography techniques. Eyes in Progress is a photography training center. The courses offered are led by renowned photographers and are open to both professional photographers and experienced amateurs.From October 25 to 28, 2023

Shooting Portraits with Instant Film, by Pep Bonet

How AI Imagery is Shaking Photojournalism

In this Op-ed, independent photography director and educator Amber Terranova discusses one of the most controversial AI imagery projects in recent weeks.By Amber Terranova

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]