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  • Unwriting Photobook History

Unwriting Photobook History

Unwriting Photobook History


Unwriting Photobook History

It’s a history that needs to be “unwritten,” says Russet Lederman, co-editor (with Olga Yatskevich)  of 

What They Saw: Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843–1999

By Colin Pantall


Sergeï Bubka, Ukrainian Pole Vault Champion

Sergeï Bubka is the most famous Ukrainian champion in history. In this period of support to his country, Jean-Denis Walter, former editor-in-chief of French sports newspaper L’Equipe Magazine tells the story this picture, made by the photographer Gerard Rancinan. 

By Jean-Denis Walter


Sexy, Bloody, Absurd

In his latest exhibition, Brian Finke flashes on the dark side of American culture.

Photographs by Brian Finke


Bill Brandt: A World Apart

Foam in Amsterdam showcases Bill Brandt, a singular artist, unparalleled in the history of the medium. The exhibition “The Beautiful and the Sinister” is a journey through a body of work that has weathered the test of time.

By Sophie Bernard



Joakim Eskildsen, Nothing Special

After traveling the world to document the stories and the lives of others, Danish photographer Joakim Eskildsen is now telling his own story and that of the people around him in this 38-minutes film.By Meero Studio 


Kourtney Roy, Desperate Dreamer

In eccentric self-portraits, Kourtney Roy embodies atypical characters. She enjoys the world by using it as a film set, transforming reality into fiction. In this film, you will follow the photographer in Cancùn, in the footsteps of her latest project, The Tourist.By Meero Studio



War, Sex, and Violence, Or Life According to Yan Morvan

With the project Yan Morvan Archives, Battcoop publishing takes a comprehensive look at the photojournalist’s work.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: