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  • Thomas Pesquet: Astro Photographer

Thomas Pesquet: Astro Photographer

Thomas Pesquet: Astro Photographer

Thomas Pesquet: “Space is Always Fascinating“

Earth’s vulnerability, climate change, and the scarcity of resources are among Thomas Pesquet’s pet peeves. For the French astronaut, Space can help to meet these challenges. His stunning photo book, La Terre entre nos mains, is a result of his experience aboard the ISS and a true act of love and resistance.By Nathalie Dassa

Clara Belleville: Shared Intimacy

ABC No Rio: New York’s Free Spirit

Created as an “art-making center,” ABC No Rio was designed in response to the city’s capitalist-driven gallery scene.By Miss Rosen

The Sea in our Blood

In his book “The Bay”, photographer Benjamin Hoffman focuses on the visceral relationship between mankind and the sea, in the oldest South African fishing port.Photographs by Benjamin Hoffman


Using Natural Light for Portraits, by Olga Kravets

Documenting a Sports Community, by Sebastián Liste


Graciela Iturbide: “Photography is a Living Matter”

At the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in Paris, the most famous Latin American photographer is exhibiting two hundred images representing a life dedicated to capturing “anything she finds surprising.”By Anne Maniglier & Brigitte Ollier

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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