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  • Sunbath: Film Photography, the Cinematic Version (Meero)

Sunbath: Film Photography, the Cinematic Version (Meero)

Sunbath: Film Photography, the Cinematic Version


•  Exhibition: 

•  Exhibition: 

•  Book: 

Film photography is not dead; far from it: new ideas are constantly emerging to rejuvenate it. These innovations include repurposing cinematic film for photography—a sustainable, handcrafted, and creative solution championed by Sunbath Filmlab.

By Iris Mandret

Exploring the Legacy of the Black Star Photo Agency

A new book and exhibition from the Image Center at Toronto Metropolitan University look into the long and fabled history of the iconic Black Star Photo Agency. Founded in 1935, but having its hey-day during the golden age of print media and the picture magazines, the agency has had a profound influence on photojournalism, which can still be seen and felt today.By Robert E. Gerhardt

Gaël Bonnefon’s Aux jours inoubliables is both a subtle and surprising object. The photographer’s third book, published by SUN/SUN, spins a fine tapestry, weaving together gaps and memories, past and present, reminiscence and erasure.By Julien Hory

Picto New York launches its new gallery space called Squadra, with Ismail Ferdous and Jean-Pierre Laffont, two renowned photographers who worked on groundbreaking stories in different corners of the world.Cover photo by Jean-Pierre Laffont

Charles Traub’s book “Skid Row”, gathers photographs he took in Uptown Chicago in the late 1970s, and on the Bowery, in New York City, shortly thereafter. He was looking for the nobility and connection that exists in all of us, even in the worst of times.Cover photo by Charles Traub

The MEP – Maison Européenne de la Photographie – is proud to present the first retrospective by Dutch artist Viviane Sassen. This exhibition, which comprises more than 200 works, reveals over thirty years of multifaceted creation bringing together photography, collage, painting and video.From October 18, 2023 to February 11, 2024

Taking your first steps in a darkroom

Indescribable OthernessThe Bruce Silverstein Gallery in New York City features a selection of iconic photographic images from the 1950s to the late 1990s by Pete Turner, a pioneer of color photography. 

Photographs by Pete Turner

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]