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The Street Under my Skin

The Street Under my Skin


With his latest book, Archives Book Vol.1, self-taught French photographer Brice Gelot invites us to see the street world through his eyes.

Photographs by Brice Gelot

Chloe Sherman shares intimate scenes of everyday life coming of age among a new counterculture movement.By Miss Rosen

By documenting the lives of the Rana Plaza victims, Ismail Ferdous explores how their lives have changed and the challenges they now face.

By Amber Terranova

American DecorumFor his first solo work, Philippe Blayo traveled across America. The result is a “slightly hallucinatory journey through a stripped-down America, stripped of its trappings”, and a minimalist series with singular settings.By Benoît Dupuis-Tordjeman

Eyes in Progress offers an immersion training format with Richard Dumas: for one week in Cosprons, nine participants will produce a photographic series under the guidance of the renowned photographer. They will be placed in a "photographic residency" situation. The days will be structured around shooting and editing sessions, masterclasses, commented film screenings and daily collective exchanges.From September 22 to 29, 2024, in Cosprons (France)

Gaia Squarci: “Opening a Door to the Experience of Others”

Ice Cold: How Hip-Hop Shaped The History of JewelryIce Cold. “A Hip-Hop Jewelry History” presents 40 years of iconic hip-hop images through fascinating stories of its megastars: from Run-DMC, Tupac, Jay-Z and Migos to Cardi B. It highlights the first glitterati of the rap scene: the gold chains, the oversized diamonds, the bling bling that dazzles the United States from West to East Coast.By Chahde Ayyoub

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]