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  • Sports Photography: A World Apart?

Sports Photography: A World Apart?

Sports Photography: A World Apart?

Sports Photography: A World Apart?

While the cultural world has recently begun opening up to all photographic genres, dismantling the hierarchies between fashion, reportage, amateur, etc. practice, sports photography has been left outside this momentum. For now.By Sophie Bernard

West London’s Working-Class

Roger Mayne’s pictures of London in the 1950s capture a city on the verge of change. In his images, you can see the destruction of the Second World War and the dullness of austerity mixing with the dynamism of migration and the rise of youth cultures. He shows a city that is alive, where the tarmac, the pavements, and the houses are part of a living culture that will come into full bloom in the decades to come.

By Colin Pantall

Ukrainian Youth, Stuck in a Year of War

The book “Stuck In Here : A Shift of the Gaze” collects images and testimonies by the Ukrainian youth trapped in the war. An idea of photographer and journalist Orianne Ciantar Olive, the book offers an insight into daily life moments that go beyond the destruction of the last year.Cover image by Aleksandra 

The Eyes of the City


Trading Your Photo Equipment With MPB is Ecoresponsible


Putin, the Pop Star

As the war continues in Ukraine and many Russians try to leave their own country, we look back at photographer Bela Doka’s series on the motivations of the Russian youth that historically supported the president.  Photographs by Bela Doka

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at:[email protected]