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Spaces & Discoveries: Our Favorite Books for Christmas

Spaces & Discoveries: Our Favorite Books for Christmas

Our Favorite Books for Christmas (3/4): Spaces & Discoveries

Want to travel without leaving your home? Blind’s editorial staff shares with you its selection of photo books to put under the Christmas tree and daydream next to the fireplace.By Chahde Ayyoub

How Carolee Schneemann Used Her Body as a Tool of Subversion

War Photography: Between Testimony and Creation

The Musée Photo Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland, examines various ways of showing and narrating the war, particularly the one currently tearing Ukraine apart.By Yann Zitouni

Cambodia’s Unbridled Race

Photographer Benjamin Filarski's project “Above the Hill” focuses on the rapid urbanization and development of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, at a pace that leaves most citizens behind. Photographs by Benjamin Filarski

Joel-Peter Witkin on the Beauty in the Grotesque

With an exhibition at Badouin Lebon in Paris, another one at Bruce Silverstein in New York, and work on view at the Louvre, Witkin speaks about his creative process.By Christina Cacouris


Masterclass with Larry Fink

Masterclass with Andrea Modica


At the Edge of the World with Vincent Munier and Sylvain Tesson

The film Velvet Queen (orig., La Panthère des Neiges) directed by Marie Amiguet opens in theaters on December 15. It documents the quest to find the Tibetan snow leopard and tells the story of a fabulous friendship between the wildlife photographer Vincent Munier and the writer Sylvain Tesson. It’s also a film about a way of life, about the art of lying in wait.By Marie d'Harcourt

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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