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  • Saving Laura Rubin (Meero EN)

Saving Laura Rubin (Meero EN)

Saving Laura Rubin


Photographer Laura Rubin preserved a generation. And now she needs help. Because of an illness that prevents her from working as she would like, she needs help to pay her bills and buy food. To help fund this, the artist Penny Arcade is selling Rubin's prints in her name.

By Elyssa Goodman

Viviane Sassen: The Art of Form

Viviane Sassen’s first retrospective in France at the Maison européenne de la Photographie covers three decades of transformative, multidisciplinary works. This vibrant, colorful journey spans two levels and is complemented by a luxurious publication.By Sophie Bernard

Japanese artist Takashi Homma has taken a closer look at the iconic Mount Fuji, offering a selection of 36 prints in a book soberly entitled Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji, published by independent publisher MACK.Photographs by Takashi Homma 

The year 2023 is ending on a photographic note, with a selection of 10 books that left their mark on photography enthusiasts as much as on the editorial team at Blind.By Iris Mandret

This 4 days will be a hands on workshop with morning lectures, shooting sessions, individual assignments, daily group discussion and editing sessions.

From March 20 to March 23, 2024

Behind the Scenes of a Photo Festival

Richard Mosse: Image ExplorerThe MAST Foundation in Bologna, Italy is exhibiting nearly 80 large-format photographs by the Irish photographer Richard Mosse in the first major retrospective of this unique body of work that combines photojournalism and contemporary art.By Michaël Naulin

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]