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  • Revisiting Susan Sontag (Meero)

Revisiting Susan Sontag (Meero)

Revisiting Susan Sontag

Revisiting Susan Sontag

An illustrated edition of the classic On Photography breathes new life into the essays by a woman who, with unflinching passion, showed the sometimes-decisive influence of photography on our society.By Brigitte Ollier & Jonas Cuénin

Matt Wilson's Travelog

In 1967, House of Bondage was published to international acclaim. It told the story of South African apartheid and the ways transportation, housing, identity checks, and education inequities were used to repress an entire people. Now, House of Bondage is reprinted for the first time since its first sell-out edition.By Colin Pantall

Brands, Models, and Copyright: How Photographers Can Protect Themselves

Wheels of Migration

In his book “Leaving One for Another”, Turkish photographer Olgaç Bozalp combines documentary with constructed imagery to retrace the causes and journeys of migration.Photographs by Olgaç Bozalp 


Podcast: Sarah Blesener on Documentary Photography


Best Regards, Frank Horvat

They are the successors of time held in suspension, and their images continue to enrich the world history of photography and our own impatient eyes. Blind shares the memories of some magical encounters with these virtuosos of the camera, soloists in black & white or in color, artists faithful to gelatin silver photography or bewitched by digital technologies. Today: Frank Horvat and his manual to happiness.By Brigitte Ollier

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at:[email protected]