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  • Red Cross and Photography: Linked Fates

Red Cross and Photography: Linked Fates

Red Cross and Photography: Linked Fates


Red Cross and Photography: Linked Fates

The Red Cross, in collaboration with the Rencontres d’Arles, presents a rarely exhibited photographic heritage. “To Heal a World” is a survey of the history of humanitarian photography from 1850 to the present.

By Michaël Naulin


Bending Reality

A retrospective of Luxembourgish photographer Romain Urhausen’s work celebrates his surrealist glance on life unfolding around him.

Photographs by Romain Urhausen


A Metaphysical Desert

Julien Lombardi explores a desert


valley in central Mexico, which Huichol Indians believe to be the place where the world had its origin.

Photographs by Julien Lombardi 


Movement and Space Through the Eyes of Babette Mangolte

The photographer, filmmaker, cinematographer, artist, and author of critical essays Babette Mangolte is being honored with the Women in Motion Photography Prize at the Rencontres d’Arles photography showcase for her body of work, which spans fifty years and has focused on dance, performance, cinema experimental cinema, subjectivity and the spectator.

By Nathalie Dassa



Shooting Architecture With a Medium-Format Camera, by Bénédicte Kurzen

Bénédicte Kurzen’s photographic career began when she moved to Israel in 2003, covering hard news as a freelancer in the Gaza Strip, Iraq and Lebanon. In this 4-chapter course, she will give you her advice on photographing architecture in Lisbon, Portugal, with a Hasselblad film camera. 

By Noor Images


  Masterclass with Donna Ferrato

Donna Ferrato is an American photojournalist known for her groundbreaking documentation of the hidden world of domestic violence. Blind releases an exclusive video where Donna Ferrato discusses the power of documentary photography, her fights for women, her personal work, and shows some steps of the making of the publication in her New York studio.

By Meero Studio


Seeds of Beauty

Playing with scale, politics and fantasy, photographer Thierry Ardouin opens a door on the kingdom of seeds. 

Photographs by Thierry Ardouin / Tendance Floue, Courtesy of Atelier EXB

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: