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  • Ralph Gibson, Perfect Harmony

Ralph Gibson, Perfect Harmony

Ralph Gibson, Perfect Harmony

Blind met Ralph Gibson in Paris. The American photographer talks about his latest book Refractions 2, his vision of photography, and his quest for a third language combining image and music.By Michaël Naulin

David “Chim” Seymour, Searching for the Light

Remembering her Grace

Didier Bizet’s book “Grâce à Elle” (Thanks to her) pays tribute to the photographer’s late mother, through the eyes of three generations of men who loved her.Photographs by Didier Bizet

Where it Happens

The Atelier Claude de Soria presents photographer Gérard Rondeau’s portraits of artists and their spaces, suggestive of their visions and personalities. Paul Rebeyrolle photographed by Gérard Rondeau

Pictures of The Soul

“A Picture Gallery of the Soul” brings together the work of Black artists redefining the language of photography.By Miss Rosen


Robert Beck: “How to Stand Apart From the Pack”

Amy Lombard: “I Like it Messy and Lived in”


Ralph Gibson: “I Am an Insider, Not an Observer”

On November 4, 2021, as part of Leica‘s celebration of photography, American photographer Ralph Gibson received the Leica Hall of Fame Award 2021 for Lifetime Achievement. He is also being honored with a retrospective exhibition, on view through the end of February 2022, at the Leica Gallery in Wetzlar, Germany.By Jonas Cuenin

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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