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  • How Photography Can Help Restore Confidence in Journalism

How Photography Can Help Restore Confidence in Journalism

How Photography Can Help Restore Confidence in Journalism


How Photography Can Help Restore Confidence in Journalism

Since 2005, nearly 2200 newspapers across the United States have shuttered, and newspaper jobs have plummeted nearly 57%. Photojournalists have been hit hard by the cuts. But now a new business model is hoping to reverse the trend—and not just support photojournalism, but revive local media as well.

By Robert Gerhardt


The Daily Lives of the Ukrainians Displaced by War

In the Zakarpattia Oblast region of Ukraine, to the far west of the country, lies the city of Chop. This railroad hub is an easy access to the borders with Hungary and Slovakia as those displaced by the war in the East flee to safety in Ukraine’s West and the NATO countries beyond the borders.

By Ismail Ferdous & Robert Gerhardt


Émile Zola : A Father Hen

The Musée d’Orsay showcases some twenty portraits the novelist-photographer Émile Zola made of his daughter and model, Denise.

By Brigitte Ollier


Writers, Actors and Anonymous German People from the 20th Century

The name of this German photographer had fallen into oblivion, despite the quality of the body of work she built between 1958 and 2004, in which the portrait holds an important place. A major retrospective of her work is currently shown in a book.

By Laure Etienne



Masterclass with NOOR Photographers

In the following masterclass, several NOOR photographers, including Andrea Bruce, Nina Berman, Kadir van Lohuizen, Tanya Habjouqa, Jon Lowenstein and Sanne de Wilde will give you their advice on creativity, the art of sequencing and toning, and will explain you how to create a sustainable business model as a photographer.By NOOR Images 


Masterclass with Duane Michals

The poetic work of American artist Duane Michals, famous for his existential photo series and for his wacky personality, is punctuated by portraits. Fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, writer Stephen King, the father of dadaism Marcel Duchamp, painter René Magritte. He tells here in video his approach to the genre.By Meero Studio



Roy DeCarava: “Truth is Beautiful”

A new exhibition reveals how Roy DeCarava helped elevate photography as an art form.

By Miss Rosen

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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