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  • The Photobook: An Independent Art (Meero)

The Photobook: An Independent Art (Meero)

The Photobook: An Independent Art

Throughout its history, photography has been diversifying modes of production and distribution. Among them, the photobook is certainly one of the best known and the most consistent, making the Eighth Art indissociable from paper. Before we enter this world apart, let’s take a look at what happens on the other side of the page.By Julien Hory

The Sicilian photographer Fabio Sgroi talks to Blind about Palermo’s darkest hours and the festering wars between rival mafia clans.By Michaël Naulin

A new exhibition by the photojournalist collective Dysturb promotes Women’s Rights focusing on women’s stories around the world, the issues they face and their resilience in pushing back. Cover photo by Aïda Dahmani

Les Douches la Galerie presents its first solo exhibition dedicated to the work of Leon Levinstein. Composed of some thirty photographs taken over nearly thirty years, from the 1950s to the 1980s, the exhibition is a walk through the city, close to the bodies that unfold there.



With its variegated colors, landscapes swathed in mist, and capricious climate, the country is a boon to a photographer. As several will testify, it is often bathed in unusual light that offers extraordinary moments.By Jean-Baptiste Gauvin

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at:[email protected]