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Photo Vogue Festival 2021

Photo Vogue Festival 2021


How The Photo Vogue Festival Champions Diversity

The art world has long had a problem with diversity. This year’s Photo Vogue champions the issue, showcasing 35 artists from around the world.

By Christina Cacouris


Exploring America's Political Divisions Through Family Photos

"Family Matters," both a book and an exhibition, explores how photographer Gillian Laub's family's support of Trump changed everything.

By Abigail Glasgow


Marion Gronier: “What I try to capture is a particular light in their eyes”

With her third book, the photographer Marion Gronier, now living in Marseille, seeks to restore the faces of the people who founded the United States of America.

By Brigitte Ollier


Annie Leibovitz: “A lot can be told in those moments in between the main moments”

She is one of the world’s most iconic portrait artists who, over five decades, has consecrated some of America’s biggest celebrities. Recipient of the William Klein Photography Award from the Académie des Beaux-Arts, Annie Leibovitz is the subject of an exhibition at the Institut de France, in Paris, while simultaneously releasing her first book devoted entirely to the world of fashion.

By Nathalie Dassa



Joakim Eskildsen, Nothing Special

Joakim Eskildsen is a Danish documentary photographer praised for his work on the Roma people and poverty in the United States. After traveling the world to document the stories and the lives of others, Joakim is now telling his own story and that of the people around him in this 38-minutes film.By Meero Studio


Kourtney Roy, Desperate Dreamer

In eccentric self-portraits, Kourtney Roy embodies atypical characters. She enjoys the world by using it as a film set, transforming reality into fiction. In this film, you will follow the photographer in Cancùn, in the footsteps of her latest project, The Tourist, published in book form by André Frère.By Meero Studio



Patrick Wack’s Exploration of the Decried East Turkistan

Patrick Wack's new book 


 is a look into an area of the world where things aren't as idyllic as they seem.

By Robert E. Gerhardt

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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