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Photo London in Five Acts

Photo London in Five Acts


Photo London in Five Acts

Eight months after the previous iteration, which was postponed till the fall due to the pandemic, the art fair Photo London returns to Somerset House from May 12 to 15. Bringing together 106 exhibitors from 18 countries, the fair picks up its pre-Covid momentum.

By Sophie Bernard


The Making of War Photography

The Musée de l’Armée in Paris offers a first glimpse into its photographic archives in an exhibition that traces the representation of war and the evolution of images of combat from 1849 to the present. This essential event shares some important lessons.

By Nathalie Dassa


Sea Constellations

In his exhibition “Mare Omnis”, Francesco Zizola plays with the shared visual vocabulary to talk about fishing.  

Photographs by Francesco Zizola


Documentary Fiction, Galactic Interventions, Apartheid Evictions, and Pink Palace Floods

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize is the UK’s biggest photography prize. It’s also the best. This year’s edition sees a diversity of work from Southern Africa, the United States, and Northern Ireland on display.

By Colin Pantall



Shooting a Long-Term Documentary Project, by Kadir van Lohuizen

A member of NOOR Images, Kadir van Lohuizen has covered conflicts in Africa and elsewhere, but is probably best known for his long-term projects on the seven rivers of the world, the rising of sea levels, the diamond industry and migration in the Americas.By NOOR Images 


Masterclass with NOOR Photographers

NOOR Images takes its name from the Arabic word for light. The organization is a global, multilingual collective of highly accomplished journalists, authors, photographers, artists and filmmakers documenting, investigating and witnessing our world.By NOOR Images



Graciela Iturbide: “Photography is a Living Matter”

At the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in Paris, the most famous Latin American photographer is exhibiting two hundred images representing a life dedicated to capturing “anything she finds surprising.”

By Anne Maniglier & Brigitte Ollier

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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