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  • In Perche, photography serves the environment

In Perche, photography serves the environment

In Perche, photography serves the environment


In Perche, photography serves the environment 

The third edition of the “Le champ des impossibles” festival includes the works of 32 artists about trees, mixing paintings, sculpture and photography. It is an event with a rural atmosphere to raise awareness among its public, the locals and its guests about modern visual languages.

By Jonas Cuénin


Adrien Boyer: “I take pictures of things that do not exist”

Taking several trips in 2021, Adrien Boyer photographed the Parc Naturel Régional du Perche, in France, situated between the Paris region and Normandy. Exhibited at the Champ des Impossibles festival, this extensive documentary work is the occasion of a beautiful stroll in the Parc du Manoir de Courboyer that will last all summer.

By Jonas Cuénin


A Dystopian Portrait of San Francisco at the Turn of the Millennium 

In The Golden City, Mimi Plumb captures the anxieties of a world spinning out of control at the nation’s coastal edge.

By Miss Rosen


Where the City Doesn’t End

In this interview, photographer Valentino Bellini talks about his project La Mancha Urbana, “The Urban Sprawl”, whose chapter shot in La Paz, Bolivia, recently became an NFT series.

By Gaia Squarci



Sarah Blesener on Documentary Photography

In the following podcast, she discusses her most recent project, the essential role of ethics behind her work, being a woman in the photo industry and she gives advice to emerging documentary photographers.

By Aurélie Jouan


Using an Analog Camera for Portraits, by Francesco Zizola

A member of NOOR Images, Francesco Zizola has documented the world’s major conflicts and their hidden crisis, focusing on the social and humanitarian issues that define life in the developing world as well as in western countries.By NOOR Images


The L’œil urbain Festival Looks at the World

Corbeil-Essonnes, in France, is hosting the tenth L’œil urbain festival, showcasing a dozen exhibitions which form a photographic itinerary around the city, both indoors (Commanderie Saint-Jean, Galerie d’art municipale, Médiathèque Chantemerle, Théâtre) and outdoors (in front of the Hôtel de Ville, at Place Crété, Rue du Trou-Patrix, gazebo). Blind zooms in on three must-see series.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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