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Newsletter | Lab by Blind: Olga Kravets, Sanne de Wilde, Gaia Squarci

Newsletter | Lab by Blind: Olga Kravets, Sanne de Wilde, Gaia Squarci

- Photography at First Sight -

Weekly picks from our Lab section

Discover high-end documentaries on successful photographers, tutorial videos in partnership with the NOOR Foundation, masterclasses with legends, history of photography, podcasts, and more. Inspire yourself with a first content curation on portraiture and documentary photography!


Using Natural Light for Portraits, by Olga Kravets

A member of NOOR Images, Olga Kravets is a journalist by education. In this 4-chapter course, she will take you with her to the city of Saint-Denis, near Paris, and give you advice about portraiture in raw conditions.


Night Reportage with Natural Light, by Sanne de Wilde

In this 4-chapter course, Sanne de Wilde will give you her advice on taking photos in the street by night, at a religious festival in Puglia, Italy. Watch the entire class below, choose the chapters in the upper left corner, and the subtitles in the lower right corner.

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Gaia Squarci: "Opening a Door to the Experience of Others"

Gaia Squarci is a photographer and videographer who divides her time between Milan and New York. In this interview, she tells us her approach to documentary photography and its importance in our society.

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How to Edit a Documentary Photo Story

Editing can be the hardest and most frustrating process involved in working on a photo project, but ultimately it’s the very moment the story, the atmosphere and the message you intend to convey take shape.

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How to Edit a Series of Portraits

In the following interview, photo editor Javier Sirvent gives his advice on editing photographs, sequencing a series of portraits, and creating a portfolio. Learn how to build a strong portfolio and present it to professionals in the industry.

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Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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