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  • Newsletter | Blind's Week : Sid Kaplan, Martha Cooper, Frank Horvat

Newsletter | Blind's Week : Sid Kaplan, Martha Cooper, Frank Horvat

Newsletter | Blind's Week : Sid Kaplan, Martha Cooper, Frank Horvat

See, read and understand the language of photographers

Manhattan in color, in black and white, its walls and sidewalks: this week, Blind dedicates its newsletter to the city of New York, trying to revive its pre-Covid vibrance.


Sid Kaplan's Analog New York

A show of New York native Sid Kaplan’s work is currently on view at Les Douches Galerie in Paris. It’s the first time his oeuvre has been shown in France.


Martha Cooper: Archivist of New York City’s Artistic Underground

A new exhibition in Berlin, entitled 

Taking Pictures

, showcases six decades of Martha Cooper’s illustrious photography career. She takes us back to the early 1980s, for an intimate look at New York’s iconic graffiti scene. 

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The Colorful Sidewalks of New York, by Frank Horvat

With his series 

Side Walk

, published this month in book form by Xavier Barral, the photographer Frank Horvat takes us through the arteries of the American metropolis.

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W. Eugene Smith Grant Awarded to 5 Photographers

W. Eugene Smith Fund breaks 40-year tradition and presents 41st annual grant in humanistic photography to five photographers.

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Laura El-Tantawy: Photographer of the Future

This Egyptian photographer was awarded one of the five grants presented by the W. Eugene Smith Fund for her project I’ll Die For You. Her aesthetic in documentary photography is unique.

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Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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