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Newsletter | Blind's Week: In response to the crisis

Newsletter | Blind's Week: In response to the crisis

EDITORIAL - Weathering the crisis

As we cope with enforced isolation and exhibition closures, Blind wishes to continue providing up-to-date information and be your window onto the world.

Dear readers,

As we face this global crisis, we often find ourselves at a loss for words. Calm words seem a paltry response to the enormity of a disaster. We feel an urgent need for contemplation.

Like everyone else, photographers, artists, writers, gallery owners, and cultural institutions see their lives turned upside down.

We have lost count of the events put on hold, postponed, or simply cancelled. In New York, Paris, Rio: in every corner of the world. 

For many, the weeks to come will be an ordeal. 

We will be forced to reckon with ourselves, with our personal choices and responsibilities. We will be forced to reflect on the world, our travels and daily commutes, our lifestyles, and our fates. 

As a magazine dedicated to photography, we wish to treat this time as an opportunity to share our passion with renewed energy. We will continue to be a space where you can escape and reflect, a space of questioning and invention, a space of inspiration. 

Like a gasp of fresh air that we can no longer breathe freely, the words of our journalists, addressing images and insights of photographers, will, we hope, be a bulwark against boredom and a ray of sunlight amid prevailing gloom. 

Since exhibitions have been suspended, we will talk about the artists who were supposed to show their work and can no longer do so. 

We will shed light on their daily lives as they unfold. 

Since photographers can no longer leave their homes, they take refuge in their darkrooms, where once again they let light flood the paper. 

This light we intend to safeguard, display, and interpret.  

Blind's editors


Photographers, submit your work!

In these particularly difficult times, Blind's goal is more than ever to support photographic creation and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios. If it is devoted to the current crisis, it will be considered in priority. Each photographer whose portfolio is published will receive a remuneration.Send them to us at the following address: [email protected]


"Longing for elsewhere" by FLORE

With On That Day, photographers are invited to tell the story behind one of their photographs.Today, the photographer FLORE talks about a moment in Morocco... A welcome escape these days. 


DISCOVERY: the new platform for education on photography

Documentaries, masterclasses, podcasts, history courses, tips: available for free on myMeero, this new space dedicated to photography aims to inspire image creators and enthusiasts. A good way to stay busy during containment.