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  • A New Robert Doisneau (Meero EN)

A New Robert Doisneau (Meero EN)

A New Robert Doisneau


Revised and modernized by Philippe Apeloig, La Banlieue de Paris, by Blaise Cendrars and Robert Doisneau, is published by Denoël: a marvel!

By Brigitte Ollier

In Ukraine, a Battle for the FutureAt Le Hangar in Brussels, a collective exhibition showcases three generations of Ukrainian photographers. “Generations of Resilience” offers a visual testimony not only to the reality of war, but also to the resilience and artistic evolution of a nation shaped by its history.By Iris Mandret

Almost 30 years after the end of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, photographer Fabrice Dekoninck reflects on the memory of those who survived the siege of Sarajevo, the ethnic purge in the Prijedor region and the genocide in Srebrenica, in a book entitled Between Fears and Hope.

By Benoit Dupuis-Tordjeman

The photographic works of British artist Kate Barry are currently exhibited at the Quai de la Photo in Paris until March 20, 2024. At the same time, curator Sylvain Besson is retracing her story in a photographic work whose name, “My Own Space”, is the inspiration for the name of the exhibition..By Benoit Dupuis-Tordjeman

The best-known German photographer of the interwar period, Paul Wolff is nevertheless a forgotten figure in the history of photography. How can one explain the astonishing disappearance of such a witness to a Germany that was undergoing both renewal and the darkest hours of its history? The first retrospective devoted to his work in France lifts part of the mystery of Paul Wolff, between light and shadow.By Michaël Naulin

Galerie XII Paris presents “Il y a un instant où la nuit se fait voir à la lumière”, with seven artists on show: Fabien Ducrot, Charlotte Mano, Anne Pharel, Andrei Farcasanu, Didier Juteau, Alexandre Aldavert and Sabatina Leccia.

From February 1, 2024, to April 13, 2024. 

Young European Photographers Episode 5 : Cristiana Morais (Portugal)

The World’s Largest Animal Migration (1/3)For several weeks now, photographer and professional diver Alexis Rosenfeld has been taking part in an extraordinary joint UNESCO / 1 Ocean mission. He set out to take a closer look at the world’s largest animal migration, which he captures in images and stories spanning multiple episodes, travelog-style.By Michaël Naulin

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]