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  • Mitch Epstein en Inde

Mitch Epstein en Inde

Mitch Epstein en Inde


Mitch Epstein in India: Tableaux of Reality and Illusion 

Exhibited at the Rencontres d’Arles Festival, Mitch Epstein’s “In India, 1978-1989” reveals his double vantage point as a westerner and a family member in a complex culture that is often represented one-dimensionally. 

By Gaia Squarci


Lucien Clergue: The Arlesian

Grand Arles Express 2022 features a tribute to the photographer Lucien Clergue, co-founder of the Rencontres d’Arles.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub


Donna Ferrato’s Lifelong Campaign for Women’s Rights 

With Roe v. Wade overturned, the United States faces a reckoning. Photographer Donna Ferrato’s work sheds light on women’s struggles.

By Miss Rosen


Reflected Reveries

Yancey Richardson gallery


presents an exhibition featuring twenty-two artists who used the mirror as part of their visual research.

Cover photograph by Zanele Muholi, courtesy of Yancey Richardson



Masterclass with David Yarrow

In the following video, join wildlife photographer David Yarrow and learn how he captures incredible images high in the Montana mountains, in the USA, and especially how he photographs cowboys and horses in extreme weather. 

By Blind Magazine


  Kourtney Roy, Desperate Dreamer

In eccentric self-portraits, Kourtney Roy embodies atypical characters. She enjoys the world by using it as a film set, transforming reality into fiction. In this film, you will follow the photographer in Cancùn, in the footsteps of her latest project, The Tourist, published in book form by André Frère.

By Meero Studio


Hervé Guibert: A Writer Writing on Photography

Two plush animals nestled into the back of a picture frame; lucid gaze caught in a ray of sunlight; a work table: the images brought together in the exhibition “Self Image” are like a cumulative portrait that not only brings back to life the writer Hervé Guibert, but also draws the contours of his inner world.

By Laure Etienne

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: