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  • Laurent Reyes: A 21st-Century Beatnik

Laurent Reyes: A 21st-Century Beatnik

Laurent Reyes: A 21st-Century Beatnik


Laurent Reyes: A 21st-Century Beatnik

Canicule, Laurent Reyes’s book, published by Arnaud Bizalion, records his and his friends’ daily life spent sunbathing and flirting like twenty-first-century beatniks.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub


As Far as the Eyes Can See

In Laetitia de La Villehuchet's series “Mirage”, snowy landscapes become an occasion to reflect on the subjectivity of perception.

Photographs by Laetitia de La Villehuchet


Revisiting the Wild Nightlife Scene of Late ‘90s UK

Ewen Spencer looks back at the start of his career documenting British nightclub culture for Sleazenation magazine.

By Miss Rosen


Living on the Streets in One of America’s Richest Cities

For six years, Robert Gumpert documented the unhoused in San Francisco. Division Street is the culmination, named for the street where the project began. Combining first-person narratives, found text and Gumpert’s photographs, it is the story of lives lived on the streets in one of the richest cities in America.

By Robert E. Gerhardt



Using Natural Light for Portraits, by Olga Kravets

A member of NOOR Images, Olga Kravets is a journalist by education and she started to take photographs as an alternative means of expression in Russia, where press freedom continues to be a struggle. In this 4-chapter course, she will take you with her to the city of Saint-Denis, near Paris, and give you advice about portraiture in raw conditions. 

By Noor Images 


Technique and Theory in Documentary Photography

Staging and editing a scene removes the reality, but learning about photojournalistic techniques and theory like “The Decisive Moment” can allow amateur and professional photographers to master their skills. The following selection of books are filled with these kinds of advice.

By Blind Magazine


The Way I Look

Julie Joubert's first book


MIDO paints the mysterious portrait of a young man who wants to hide as much as he needs to be seen. 

Photographs by Julie Joubert

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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