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  • Laurent Ballesta: Son of the Sea

Laurent Ballesta: Son of the Sea

Laurent Ballesta: Son of the Sea

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023


A diver-photographer, heir to Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Laurent Ballesta has been scouring the abyss for over twenty years in search of the attainable. His images of astonishing creatures owe as much to his technical prowess as to an artist’s soul.By Jonas Cuénin

Women Have Their Say at Photo Elysée

With GLORYLAND, Robert Le Blanc takes us into the rare world of ancient America, a mystical religion on the verge of extinction.By Max Hirshfeld

The Pavillon Populaire in Montpellier features the first exhibition in France of photographs by the Spanish Civil War artist-photographer Antoni Campañà, which had been hidden away for years in two mysterious red boxes.By Michaël Naulin

In July of 1967, after the arrest and beating of African American cab driver John Smith by the local police force, the city of Newark, New Jersey erupted. Over 5 days, 26 people were killed by police gunfire, hundreds more were injured, thousands were arrested, and millions of dollars of property was destroyed. Photojournalist Bud Lee captured the urban war zone the city became in those fateful days. His photographs have now been published in The War is Here: Newark 1967.By Robert E. Gerhardt

The Galerie de l’Instant will be in Nice all summer. An opportunity to discover Andrew Birkin’s family album. Around a hundred photographs reveal the intimacy of Jane Birkin’s life. Until 01 Oct 2023

Beach photography: How to Shoot Great Beach Pictures?

Alex Prager: “You Need to Die to Be Reborn”

In “The Mountain,” Alex Prager takes us on a journey to the peak for a series of portraits of profound, cathartic release.

By Miss Rosen

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]