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  • The Last Goodbyes in the Border Regions of Ukraine

The Last Goodbyes in the Border Regions of Ukraine

The Last Goodbyes in the Border Regions of Ukraine


The Last Goodbyes in the Border Regions of Ukraine 

As the war in Ukraine continues to rage, the flood of refugees from the fighting continue to flow west across the country’s borders. But as women and children flee, their husbands, fathers and brothers remain to fight the Russians, while others refuse to leave home. Photographer Ismail Ferdous spent time photographing those preparing to fight, those fleeing abroad, and those who choose to stay as they all say goodbye.

By Ismail Ferdous & Robert E. Gerhardt


Motoyuki Daifu : Childhood as a Playful Disorder

To bring some light into these dark times, the MEP in Paris has had the brilliant idea of a dreamy exhibition on “Love Songs: Photography and Intimacy”. For the first time, the program of its emerging artists’ Studio space echoes the main exhibition, by hosting Motoyuki Daifu’s series “Lovesody”. This is the Japanese photographer’s first institutional exhibition in Europe.

By Marie d'Harcourt


Baja Moda : “The Principle of Resistance” by Pablo López Luz

Pablo López Luz can be considered among the main figures in contemporary Mexican photography. With international exhibitions and works in collections such as The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, he is one of the figures reinterpreting and expanding Mexican and Latin American photographic traditions.

By Javier Sirvent


Embodying Garbage

Belgian photographer Colin Delfosse meets the Congolese performers bringing attention to environmental damage in Kinshasa.

Photographs by Colin Delfosse



Masterclass with Joel Meyerowitz

In the following video, join the legendary artist Joel Meyerowitz in Siena, Italy for a few tips on street photography. Meyerowitz shares his passion and infectious enthusiasm for creating incredible photographs.By Masters.of.Photography 


Masterclass With Charles Traub

In 2001, Charles Traub co-founded here is new york: a democracy of photographs, a living memorial to the tragedy of 9/11, with a gallery and a book gathering thousands of images of the event. It is considered one of the seminal examples of crowdsourcing.By Meero Studio



How Photography Can Help Restore Confidence in Journalism

Since 2005, nearly 2200 newspapers across the United States have shuttered, and newspaper jobs have plummeted nearly 57%. Photojournalists have been hit hard by the cuts. But now a new business model is hoping to reverse the trend—and not just support photojournalism, but revive local media as well.

By Robert E. Gerhardt

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