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  • Kourtney Roy: On the Highway of Tears

Kourtney Roy: On the Highway of Tears

Kourtney Roy: On the Highway of Tears

Kourtney Roy: On the Highway of Tears

In The Other End of the Rainbow, Kourtney Roy takes a road trip along Highway 16, known as the “Highway of Tears.” This project is also the subject of an exhibition at the Filles du Calvaire gallery in Paris, until February 24, 2023.By Iris Mandret

A Lioness in Paris

The Maison Européenne de la Photographie inaugurates the first French retrospective of South African visual activist Zanele Muholi. The exhibition centers on a body of work that recounts civic battles waged by the black LGBTQIA+ community.By Clara Bastid

Martin Parr: Talking about the Weather

Unframing Colonialism: Images Out of Sync

Using materials from its own archives and those of the Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Centre Pompidou explores the interwar period from a postcolonial perspective. This is the last chance discover Unframing Colonialism, a free exhibition in the Photographers’ Gallery, open until February 27.By Iris Mandret


Time-lapse Photography: A Guide for Beginners


A Celebration of Los Angeles Street Culture

Over the past decade, Sean Maung has traveled across his hometown, photographing the people who give it style and substance.By Miss Rosen

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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