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  • Japan: A Love Story

Japan: A Love Story

A new exhibition at Peter Fetterman Gallery in Santa Monica shows with 100 pictures how beautiful and delicate this country can be.

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Thursday May 16, 2024


•  Exhibition : Japan: A Love Story
•  Book : Relationships
•  Book : Corky Lee’s Asian America
•  Book : Quiet Poetry
•  Archives : Miyako Ishiuchi Reveals the Scars of Humanity

Michael Kenna has been photographing Japan for almost 40 years. A new exhibition at Peter Fetterman Gallery in Santa Monica shows with 100 pictures how beautiful and delicate this country can be.

By Jonas Cuénin

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Mary Frey’s recent release My Mother, My Son, published by TBW Books, is a meditation on life’s phases, lived in the present tense.

Photographs by Mary Frey

Over the course of a 50-year career, photographer Corky Lee documented Asian American and Pacific Islander communities across America. The book Corky Lee’s Asian America presents Lee’s iconic photographs and traces his mission to chronicle a history of inclusion, resistance, ethnic pride, and patriotism.

By Robert E. Gerhardt

The book Hardtack by Rahim Fortune uncovers ten years of portraiture rooted in the history and landscape of the American South.

Photographs by Rahim Fortune

Richard Dumas is not a portraitist, but a photographer. In contrast with another photographer named Richard (Avedon, to be exact), Dumas is not a socialite or a star because he shoots celebrities or fashion photographer. Learn and improve your way of portraying people by mastering the relationship with the subject, being more confident and creating evocative and meaningful portraits. This workshop will also focus on how to best capture a portrait with natural light. Most of all, the workshop with Richard Dumas will help you discover what is your very own personal path to portrait photography.

From June 12 to June 15, 2024 in Paris (France). More information on this workshop here.

Miyako Ishiuchi Reveals the Scars of Humanity

We meet the Japanese artist at her studio in Gunma, Japan, where she unearths over 40 years of work, visualising the many stories that the landscape, our bodies, and objects hold within them.

By Marigold Warner

For the past five years, Blind has been a trusted source for the latest in photographic journalism, delivering exclusive series and stories from talented photographers and writers.

By Jonas Cuénin

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: [email protected]