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  • Interview with Ralph Gibson

Interview with Ralph Gibson

Interview with Ralph Gibson


Ralph Gibson: "I Am an Insider, Not an Observer"

On November 4, 2021, as part of Leica‘s celebration of photography, American photographer Ralph Gibson received the Leica Hall of Fame Award 2021 for Lifetime Achievement. He is also being honored with a retrospective exhibition, on view through the end of February 2022, at the Leica Gallery in Wetzlar, Germany.

By Jonas Cuénin


Inside One of America’s Only Black-Owned Book Publishing Houses

Photographer Kris Graves shares his journey to create a space for artists of color in a historically exclusionary industry.

By Miss Rosen


Feverish, Intimate and Political: the Party Today

While the pandemic has jeopardized nightlife culture around the world, our need to let loose on the dance floor has grown even greater, as has our need for close physical contact. From Lagos to Montreal and from São Paulo to Berlin, four photographers tell us about their relationship to partying and why they photograph it.

By Charlotte Jean


Rania Matar’s Intimate Portraits of Girls On the Cusp of Womanhood

A new book of environmental portraits made in the United States and Middle East explores the shared experiences of young womanhood.

By Miss Rosen



Joakim Eskildsen, Nothing Special

Joakim Eskildsen is a Danish documentary photographer praised for his work on the Roma people and poverty in the United States. After traveling the world to document the stories and the lives of others, Joakim is now telling his own story and that of the people around him in this 38-minutes film.By Meero Studio


Kourtney Roy, Desperate Dreamer

In eccentric self-portraits, Kourtney Roy embodies atypical characters. She enjoys the world by using it as a film set, transforming reality into fiction. In this film, you will follow the photographer in Cancùn, in the footsteps of her latest project, The Tourist, published in book form by André Frère.By Meero Studio



Six Pictures: Gordon Parks’ Cinematic Style

A new exhibition looks at how the legendary photographer used a filmmaker’s eye to make memorable documentary images.

By Bill Shapiro

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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