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  • Inside Bob Gruen’s Iconic Music Photography Archive

Inside Bob Gruen’s Iconic Music Photography Archive

Inside Bob Gruen’s Iconic Music Photography Archive


Inside Bob Gruen’s Iconic Music Photography Archive

In a dazzling photo memoir, Bob Gruen charted the history of rock and roll during its most iconoclastic and revolutionary era.

By Miss Rosen


Happy Pills: The Mirage of Bottled Happiness

Journalist Arnaud Robert and photographer Paolo Woods spent five years tracking down various pills around the world to gauge the scale of the pharmaceutical industry and our dependence on drugs. A dizzying investigation.

By Mickaël Naulin


The Bandit Beautifying the Streets of New York, One Flower at a Time

A new book celebrates the space where photography, street art, and floral design mingle and meet.

By Miss Rosen


Afropean: Plural Identities

The bilingual French/English photography magazine 

The Eyes

 has invited author Johny Pitts to curate its 12th issue on the theme of Afropean identity.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub



Joakim Eskildsen, Nothing Special

Joakim Eskildsen is a Danish documentary photographer praised for his work on the Roma people and poverty in the United States. After traveling the world to document the stories and the lives of others, Joakim is now telling his own story and that of the people around him in this 38-minutes film.By Meero Studio


Kourtney Roy, Desperate Dreamer

In eccentric self-portraits, Kourtney Roy embodies atypical characters. She enjoys the world by using it as a film set, transforming reality into fiction. In this film, you will follow the photographer in Cancùn, in the footsteps of her latest project, The Tourist, published in book form by André Frère.By Meero Studio



Best Regards, Gisèle Freund


 shares the memories of some magical encounters with these virtuosos of the camera, soloists in black & white or in color, artists faithful to conventional photography or bewitched by digital technologies. Today: Gisèle Freund and the emergence of literary space.

By Brigitte Ollier

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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