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  • IMPORTANT - Reorganization of the magazine

IMPORTANT - Reorganization of the magazine

IMPORTANT - Reorganization of the magazine

Dear contributors, 

As you know, current circumstances affect each of us and therefore the magazine as well. We have just been informed by Meero that we will now be working half-time. In order to ensure the continuity of the magazine, we will now work alternately: Jean-Baptiste will work from Monday to Wednesday lunchtime and Coline from Wednesday lunchtime to Friday. For the moment, the magazine's budget remains the same but the situation may change over the weeks. We'll let you know if that's the case. 

© Jacques Henri Lartigue

For the moment, the magazine's budget remains the same but the situation may change over the weeks. We'll let you know if that's the case. In order to work together in the best possible way, we would like to ask you: 

  • to always copy Jean-Baptiste or Coline in each of your emails (so that we both know about all exchanges and can follow-up on the articles)

  • to send us your invoices after each article so that you are not impacted by possible future changes

This situation is unfortunately not destined to last only for the duration of the containment period and it is therefore possible that we will be working like this for several months until Meero's economic situation has returned to normal. Of course, we will inform you of any changes. We hope that, despite the circumstances, we can all continue to work together as serenely as possible and publish beautiful articles. The figures of the magazine are getting better every day! Many thanks to all of you for your support, your availability and your passionate and inspiring articles!Don't hesitate if you have any questions, we are here to answer them. Warm regards, 

Coline & Jean-Baptiste 

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