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  • The Imaginary Worlds of In-Game Photography

The Imaginary Worlds of In-Game Photography

The Imaginary Worlds of In-Game Photography


The Imaginary Worlds of In-Game Photography

For the past ten years, virtual photography has been gaining momentum in the world of video games, making its way into social networks and art galleries. A generation of enthusiasts is revealing its artistic potential through screenshots that showcase the gameplay environment: whether it’s architecture, an object, a quality of light, humanity, or a reality.

By Nathalie Dassa


Wandering the Streets of 1980s New York City

Janet Delaney captures the small-town feel of the big city in her lyrical street photographs.

By Miss Rosen


Playing in the Street with The Children of Mea Shearim

In the middle of one of the world's most technologically advanced countries lives a community that defies time and place. Inhabitants of Mea Shearim resist 21st century's human norms.

By Ofir Berman


Tom Wood: Irish Work

More than a series of landscapes, Tom Wood’s latest book, 

Irish Work

, is an inner journey that delves deep into his native country.

By Brigitte OIlier 



Masterclass with Joel Meyerowitz

In partnership with Masters.of.Photography, Blind offers you free photography classes with great photographers. In the following video, join the legendary artist Joel Meyerowitz in Siena, Italy for a few tips on street photography.By Masters.of.Photography


Masterclass with Steve Mc Curry

In partnership with Masters.of.Photography, Blind offers you free photography classes with great photographers. In the following video, American photographer Steve Mc Curry teaches you about grasping spontaneous moments and opportunities to make the most of chance encounters. By Masters.of.Photography



Robert Nickelsberg’s Unpublished Images of the Civil War in El Salvador

In a forthcoming book, photojournalist Robert Nickelsberg revisits his archive of El Salvador’s civil war to shed new light on the conflict and its consequences.

By Laurence Cornet

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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