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  • How Hip-Hop Shaped The History of Jewelry

How Hip-Hop Shaped The History of Jewelry

How Hip-Hop Shaped The History of Jewelry

Ice Cold: How Hip-Hop Shaped The History of Jewelry

Ice Cold. “A Hip-Hop Jewelry History” presents 40 years of iconic hip-hop images through fascinating stories of its megastars: from Run-DMC, Tupac, Jay-Z and Migos to Cardi B. It highlights the first glitterati of the rap scene: the gold chains, the oversized diamonds, the bling bling that dazzles the United States from West to East Coast.By Chahde Ayyoub

Carlos Pérez Siquier: The Sun of Almeria

Activist Bev Grant Revisits America’s Radical Past

A new book charts the groundbreaking leftist movements of the late 1960s and early ‘70s.By Miss Rosen

At the Edge of the New and the Forgotten

The book “Angels Point” recounts photographer Adam Iannello’s wanderings at a cliff’s edge in Elysian Park, the oldest in Los Angeles.Photographs by Adam Ianniello


Taking your first steps in a darkroom


Revisiting “Minamata,” W. Eugene Smith’s Final Photo Series

The film Minamata starring Johnny Depp explores the final chapter of Smith’s career. Here, his ex-wife Aileen Mioko Smith recounts their extraordinary work.By Miss Rosen

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