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  • Feathered Divas

Feathered Divas

Feathered Divas


Feathered Divas

Twelve international photographers, one theme. The Galerie le Château d’eau in Toulouse is hosting “Birds” until August 21. Diversity – black and white, color, small and large formats – is featured in this exhibition inspired by the eponymous book collection of Atelier EXB.

By Laure Etienne


Women Photographers: A Modern Vision

The Denver Art Museum presents more than 100 photographs by women artists that reflect on history and society. 

Cover photo by Sandy Skoglund, courtesy of the Denver Art Museum


Young Maroon Photographers Reappropriate Their Own History

The exhibition “Marronnage: The Art of Breaking One’s Chains,” presented at the Maison d’Amérique Latine in Paris, features a section dedicated to photography by young Maroon artists who are taking possession of their own history.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub


Hair Gel, Self-Rule and Hip-Hop

Soham Gupta photographs the disenfranchised Indian youth that is finding its place in society thanks to music and new technologies.

Photographs by Soham Gupta



Masterclass With Charles Traub

Charles H. Traub is an American photographer and educator, known for his ironic real-world witness color photography. In the following video, Charles Traub discusses photography in all its forms and talks about his personal work. 

By Meero Studio


  Masterclass with David Yarrow

In partnership with Masters.of.Photography, Blind offers you free photography classes with great photographers. In the following video, join wildlife photographer David Yarrow and learn how he captures incredible images high in the Montana mountains, in the USA, and especially how he photographs cowboys and horses in extreme weather.

By Blind Magazine


Through Lauren Walsh’s Lens: The Pandemic and Black Lives Matter

In 2020 the United States were shaken by both social and political upheaval all while a pandemic raged across the country, and both of these historic events ultimately played out on a global stage. The Black Lives Matter Movement and the surge of Covid-19 both presented new challenges for photojournalists covering the events, and have caused a revaluation of ethical, technical and safety protocols in their wake.

By Robert E. Gerhardt

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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