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  • Through the Eyes of Film-Set Photographers

Through the Eyes of Film-Set Photographers

Through the Eyes of Film-Set Photographers


Through the Eyes of Film-Set Photographers

Their stills are among the most shared images and attract film audiences worldwide. However, their names remain unknown to the general public. They are film-set photographers whose task is to capture the essence and the feel of a film, apart from the trailer, even as they document the history of cinema.

By Nathalie Dassa


Tom Wood: Irish Work

More than a series of landscapes, Tom Wood’s latest book, 

Irish Work

, is an inner journey that delves deep into his native country.

By Brigitte Ollier


Blue Sky, Sunshine, White Sand by the Mile

Growing up on Long Island, Godlis recounts childhood winters spent in Miami during the 1950s and early ‘60s, an experience he describes as akin to “Jewish Disneyland.”

By Miss Rosen


Of Steam and Coal

The Italian photographer Pietro Pietromarchi has traveled the world — from Eritrea to Sri Lanka, to the Carpathians, Patagonia, and Zimbabwe, and to the ends of the Gobi Desert — to capture the last breaths of a beast on the verge of extinction: steam engines.

By Pietro Pietromarchi



Masterclass with Joel Meyerowitz

In partnership with Masters.of.Photography, Blind offers you free photography classes with great photographers. In the following video, join the legendary artist Joel Meyerowitz in Siena, Italy for a few tips on street photography.By Masters.of.Photography


Masterclass with Steve Mc Curry

In partnership with Masters.of.Photography, Blind offers you free photography classes with great photographers. In the following video, American photographer Steve Mc Curry teaches you about grasping spontaneous moments and opportunities to make the most of chance encounters. By Masters.of.Photography



Revisiting the Avant-Garde Aesthetics of Land Art

A new exhibition and book explore the role of photography in preserving one of the most iconoclastic forms of contemporary art.

By Miss Rosen

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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