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  • Elizaveta Porodina: Psychedelic Melancholy

Elizaveta Porodina: Psychedelic Melancholy

Elizaveta Porodina: Psychedelic Melancholy

Elizaveta Porodina: Psychedelic Melancholy

Fotografiska New York showcases the fashion and art photographer Elizaveta Porodina with the exhibition окна [okna] (windows). A world première.By Marie d'Harcourt

House of Bondage: A Checklist for Apartheid

In 1967, House of Bondage was published to international acclaim. It told the story of South African apartheid and the ways transportation, housing, identity checks, and education inequities were used to repress an entire people. Now, House of Bondage is reprinted for the first time since its first sell-out edition.By Colin Pantall

The Lie You Tell Yourself

Soul is the Goal for Killip and Smith

Blind highlights two of Britain’s greatest documentary photographers. While Chris Killip has become well known over the last few years, Graham Smith remains an elusive figure whose images are hard to find. Here’s what we’ve been missing.By Colin Pantall


Masterclass with Duane Michals


Thomas Pesquet: “Space is Always Fascinating“

Earth’s vulnerability, climate change, and the scarcity of resources are among Thomas Pesquet’s pet peeves. For the French astronaut, Space can help to meet these challenges. His stunning photo book, La Terre entre nos mains, is a result of his experience aboard the ISS and a true act of love and resistance.By Nathalie Dassa

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at:[email protected]