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Discover our New Website!

Discover our New Website!

Discover our New Website!

Today, Blind launches its new website, entirely designed for photographers and photography lovers. The platform gives full room to images, from the covers to the bottom of the articles. This new ergonomics will allow us to cover in the most elegant way the photographic news and to publish more visual stories by assigning photographers around the world. We have at heart to offer you exclusive content and produce original images.To have a complete visual approach, we created four distinct sections. The News section gathers the latest articles on exhibitions, books, or photography festivals. The Stories section focuses on timeless subjects, commissions, and photographic discoveries. The Lab section contains a plethora of educational content on photography, including video interviews with photography masters. And the Tips section is dedicated to useful advice to get started in your photography career.At Blind, we deeply love photography and have one main ambition: to inspire you by sharing a multifaceted visual culture, always with the same thoughtfulness towards visual artists. This is the mission that drives our contributors, all specialists, but who strive to tell you about the world of images in an accessible way. You are more and more readers to follow us and we are delighted to present to you this evolution.

Our New Homepage

You will find more content when landing on the first page of Blind. Our articles are also organized in a more interactive way.

Our New Full-Screen Template

A full-screen cover, a display of headlines as on a double page of a paper magazine, several image formats in the body of the articles: this template represents the current best design for online storytelling.

Our New Slideshows

Through the Slideshows, you will be able to mostly discover images, while guided by some slides of text. Images will be the main components of this format, to give photographers a privileged window of expression.

Our New Dynamic Cover Template

This template offers the same advantages as our Full-Screen template. The difference is that the titles are displayed dynamically on the cover photo.

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at: