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  • A Diary of Afghanistan Before the United States Came to Call

A Diary of Afghanistan Before the United States Came to Call

A Diary of Afghanistan Before the United States Came to Call


Edward Grazda: A Diary of Afghanistan Before the United States Came to Call

For more than 20 years, from the start of the Soviet-Afghan War through the rise of the Taliban and their control of the country, Edward Grazda photographed Afghanistan.  

By Robert E. Gerhardt


The Ambitions of the Collège International de Photographie du Grand Paris

Preserving, experimenting, and passing on the skills and the know-how of pre-digital photography are the main objectives of the Collège international de Photographie du Grand Paris (CIPGP), the brainchild of photo historian Michel Poivert.

By Sophie Bernard


Kasimir Zgorecki’s Illustrious Studio

In his studio in Rouvroy (Pas-de-Calais, France), Kasimir Zgorecki had memorialized thousands of faces of the Polish diaspora in Northern France. They are now brought together in a wonderful book and an exhibition at the Jeu de Paume in Tours, France. 

By Brigitte Ollier


Extraordinary Voyages: Transportation in All Shapes and Sizes

Éditions Louis Vuitton and Atelier EXB take us on a journey around the world in fifty true stories and onboard as many means of transportation. The book teems with vintage photographs.

By Laure Etienne



A History of Portrait Photography

In photography, portraiture is a constantly evolving genre. Writing a history of the photographic portrait amounts to writing a history of photography itself. Historian Guillaume Blanc gives us insight into a practice appreciated by many photographers.By Guillaume Blanc



Amy Lombard: “I Like it Messy and Lived in”

While some portrait photographers insist on structuring the setting and controlling the composition, Amy Lombard’s approach embraces the unpredictable moments that inevitably happen on a shoot. The New York Times, among others, regularly send her to photograph the people and phenomena making an impact on American culture.By Bill Shapiro



Nan Goldin on Forging Memories Through Photography

On the occasion of her new exhibition at Marian Goodman, the legendary artist talks about turning photographs into films, and how she keeps the past alive through her portraits.

By Christina Cacouris

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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