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  • Boris Mikhaïlov, A Story of His Own

Boris Mikhaïlov, A Story of His Own

Boris Mikhaïlov, A Story of His Own

Boris Mikhaïlov, A Story of His Own

Lee Shulman, the creator of The Anonymous Project, invited Blind to his small Parisian studio. The collector and his team receive, select and sort thousands of slides of unknown people and give them a second life.By Michaël Naulin

The Blue of the Far Distance

November on the Left Bank

The Festival PhotoSaintGermain offers free access to a variety of galleries, museums, libraries and cultural institutions in the heart of Paris, from the 3rd to the 19th of November.Cover photo by Graham Morris

The Daily Unfamiliar 

Cob Gallery presents the debut UK solo exhibition of photographer Jack Davison, with a selection of his “photographic etchings”.Photographs by Jack Davison


Young European Photographers, Episode 1: Michalina (Poland)

Young European Photographers, Episode 2: Sari (Finland)


Ricardo Miguel Hernàndez: A Memory Seeker

In When the Memory Turns to Dust, published by 89 books, the Cuban artist Ricardo Miguel Hernàndez works on memory through photomontages.By Sabyl Ghoussoub

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

Please send us your work at:[email protected]