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  • Beneath the Ice: The Canadian Arctic

Beneath the Ice: The Canadian Arctic

Beneath the Ice: The Canadian Arctic


Global warming and the melting polar ice have sparked international interest in polar regions, raising concerns about Canada’s sovereignty over the region. This is the central theme of Le Déploiement, a series by Canadian photographer Emmanuelle Léonard.By Benoit Dupuis-Tordjeman

Mário Macilau: The Ghosts of Africa 

A key figure in the new generation of Mozambican artists, Mário Macilau is the winner of the James Barnor Prize 2023. He was distinguished for his crudely beautiful photographs, highlighting issues of identity, political problems and environmental conditions in Mozambique and elsewhere.By Iris Mandret

Les Douches la Galerie presents Roger Ballen's "Enigma", a selection of images and prints from the 1980s and 1990s. A deep dive into the "Ballenesque" world of the master of anguish.  

Photographs by Roger Ballen

For the book “A Photographer’s Life”, photographer Henry Leutwyler has created a visual archive of personal objects that belonged to Philippe Halsman.Photography by Henry Leutwyler

Francesco Merlini’s book “Better in the Dark Than His Rider” feels like a sleepwalker’s exploration of the liminal state between wake and dream.

Photographs by Francesco Merlini

Les Douches la Galerie, Paris, presents for the first time a solo show by Roger Ballen*, including his early series from the 80s and 90s. The South African photographer has been exploring the twists and turns of his subconscious for over forty years, creating stagings which invoke the themes of marginality, strangeness, the relationship between the human and animal worlds.Until November 25, 2023

Masterclass with Duane Michals

Evgenia Arbugaeva: Northern TalesThe Russian photographer Evgenia Arbugaeva reconnects with her childhood spent in the Siberian tundra. In just a dozen images, she transports us to the hyperborean regions, from Kanin Nos to Enurmino.

By Brigitte Ollier

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.Please send us your work at:[email protected]