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  • Allan Porter, Editor of Camera, Dies at 88

Allan Porter, Editor of Camera, Dies at 88

Allan Porter, Editor of Camera, Dies at 88

The American journalist and former figure of the Swiss magazine Camera, who was a reference between the 1920s and 1980s, died on October 5, in anonymity. He had contributed to launching the career of many great photographers.By Jonas Cuénin

Paranormal Activity: Photos of Unexplained Phenomena 

Fabiola Ferrero: “Venezuela is a Country More Unequal Than Ever”

Reexamining the Iconic Spanish Civil War Photobook Death in the Making

“Death in the Making: Reexamining the Iconic Spanish Civil War Photobook”, currently on view at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York, is the first major exhibition to tell the story of the influential 1938 photobook.By Robert E. Gerhardt

Civil Rights: the Power of Unity

Atlas gallery presents photography of the civil rights and anti-racist movements in the The Americas & Caribbean, Europe and Africa.Cover Photo by Ernest C Withers


Podcast: Sarah Blesener on Documentary Photography

Joakim Eskildsen, Nothing Special


Imagining a World Somewhere Else from Sweden

Photographer Per-Olof Stolz has photographed the suburbia of his hometown Rydebäck, in southern Sweden, where his family bought a house in the 1960s. A simple documentation of the middle-class life, which tells about both prosperity and isolation.By Per-Olof Stolz 

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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