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  • Albert Watson’s Guide to Timeless Photography

Albert Watson’s Guide to Timeless Photography

Albert Watson’s Guide to Timeless Photography


Albert Watson’s Guide to Timeless Photography

A singular figure in photography, Albert Watson shares wisdom gleaned from half a century behind the camera.

By Miss Rosen


Jamie Hawkesworth in His Kingdom

The British photographer Jamie Hawkesworth refines his approach to portraiture in 

The British Isles

, published by Mack.

By Brigitte Ollier


Living Through New York’s Dance Mania

New York City is among the best places in the world to party. As its nightlife industry is plagued by a pandemic, photographer Gaia Squarci reflects on the alternative ways New Yorkers found to still explore the freedom that only dance can offer.

By Gaia Squarci


Morteza Niknahad: Healing His Mother With Photography

Iranian photographer Morteza Niknahad uses a combination of family photos and staged tableaux to produce a touching series centered on his sick mother.

By Sabyl Ghoussoub



A History of Portrait Photography

In photography, portraiture is a constantly evolving genre. Writing a history of the photographic portrait amounts to writing a history of photography itself. Historian Guillaume Blanc gives us insight into a practice appreciated by many photographers.By Guillaume Blanc



Masterclass with Donna Ferrato

Donna Ferrato is an American photojournalist known for her groundbreaking documentation of the hidden world of domestic violence. On the occasion of her latest book, Holy, published last winter, Blind released a video where she discusses the power of photography.By Meero Studio



Six Pictures: Out West With Lora Webb Nichols

The editor of a remarkable — and remarkably beautiful — book explains how a photographer captured daily life in a small Wyoming town in a way few of us have ever seen.

By Bill Shapiro

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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