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20 Years Since 9/11

20 Years Since 9/11


Gulnara Samoilova: A Woman Journalist at Ground Zero

On September 11, 2001, photographer Gulnara Samoilova was in downtown Manhattan when the World Trade Center terrorist attacks happened. Her images were awarded with a World Press Photo in 2002 and published in a book, 

Women Journalists at Ground Zero.

By Judith Sylvester


Bill Biggart: The Journalist Who Died Photographing 9/11

Bill Biggart was the only journalist casualty in the 9/11 tragedy of the collapse of the World Trade Center. When the first plane hit the first tower, he picked up his cameras and walked the twenty blocks to the building on fire. He was killed when the second tower collapsed.

By Blind Magazine


Here is New York: A Democracy of Photographs

On the 20th anniversary of the attack on New York’s Twin Towers, we revisit 

Here is New York: A Democracy of Photographs

, the first crowd-sourced exhibition of its scale dedicated to images of 9/11 and its aftermath, with thousands of photographers—amateur and professional alike—exhibited together. Here’s how it happened. 

By Christina Cacouris


Faces of New Yorkers Looking at Ground Zero

Photographer Kevin Bubriski made five trips to the World Trade Center site from his home in Vermont. He undertook the first trip two weeks after the 9/11 attack. The last one took place on December 19, 2001. He felt the need to witness and understand the impact of the New York City tragedy through his camera.

By Richard Woodward


Joe Conzo, an Emergency Medical Technician, on the Impact of 9/11

For many, 9/11 did not end on that day. First responder Joe Conzo looks back on a series of events that would change countless lives.

By Miss Rosen



Masterclass With Charles Traub

Charles H. Traub is an American photographer and educator, known for his ironic real-world witness color photography. He founded the MFA program in Photography, Video, and Related Media at the School of Visual Arts in New York City in 1987, which was the first program of its kind to fully embrace digital photographic practice. In 2001, Charles Traub co-founded here is new york: a democracy of photographs, a living memorial to the tragedy of 9/11, with a gallery and a book gathering thousands of images of the event.By Meero Studio



Street Photography in New York City, by Nina Berman

Nina Berman is a documentary photographer, filmmaker, author and educator. Her wide-ranging work looks at American politics, militarism, post violence trauma and resistance. Among her passions stand street photography. In this 4-chapter course, she will give you her advice on how to roam the streets of New York, and take advantage of the luminous beams that spread between its buildings.By NOOR Images



A Parallel Universe Shopping Guide to Photo London

There are a bunch of fairs you can attend in London this month. If you want to upgrade your wardrobe and engage with the latest in clothes design, there’s London Fashion Week towards the end of the month.If you want to find out what is going on in the world of photography, there’s Photo London happening right now. 

By Colin Pantall

Blind financially supports the production of visual stories and invites all photographers to submit their portfolios.

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